Dudnik Mikhail Zakharovich

Dudnik Mikhail Zakharovich

       A head of Electromechanic and Teoretic Basis of Electrotechnic of the Donetsk National Technical University.

       Known specialist in industry of electric machines of untraditional constructions.

       Doctor of engineering sciences (1990, Moscow energetical institute), professor (in 1991), academician with 2002.

       Author about the 130 advanced studies, including is monograph, study guide, 25 copyright certificates on the inventions, patent of Ukraine. Under his guidance 8 candidates of engineering sciences are prepared.

       Basic scientific interests are concentrated in area of research of asynchronous linear engine of direct drive of industrial assemblings, to development of valve hauling electric motors of mine electric drive, use of devices with the running magnetic field in industrial technologies.

       Scientific achievements:

       - theoretical ground of synthesis of low-speed asynchronous linear engine for transporting - technological assemblings;

       - experimentally - theoretical ground of development of valve hauling electric motors for the drive of mine electric locomotives.

       Published labours:

       - Asynchronous linear engine for the transporting - technological systems (in a monograph "New in the technique of automated electric drive", 1990);

       - Calculation of asynchronous linear engine for the drive of industrial assemblings (in collection of scientific labours of energetical faculty, 1996);

       - Pre-production model valve – reactive hauling motor (in collection "New decisions in modern technologies", Kharkov, 2000);

       - Numeral method of calculation of the magnetic field of valve reactive motor (in collection of scientific labours of DonSTU, N4, 1999);

       - Electric machines (study guide, K., 1992);

       - Electric machines (russ. - ukr. terminology dictionary, 1992).
